Friday 16 March 2012

College Life Vs Office Life

College Life  Vs  Office Life 

College: We have different papers and different staff to manage us. 
Office: We have only one task and only one manager. 

College: We can blame the staff for our mistakes. 
Office: No one will hear your words. You will be punished for other’s mistake too [especially managers]. 

College: We know the exam date exactly. 
Office: Never clear about the audit date. It may happen today or later. 

College: If you scored the minimum you are passed the year and you need not to answer anyone. 
Office: If you scored less than others, you must answer to all your higher authorities. 

College: You have minimum one month leave for your summer. 
Office: You have total 12 days of leave alone. 

College: You will pay and the staffs will rule you. 
Office: You will be paid and the Management will rule you. 

College: While you are in exam hall your friends can support you. 
Office: While you are in auditing you cannot think about there support. Because, you must answer including there mistakes. 

College: You know exactly which is your responsibility in your exam. 
Office: You cannot ensure your syllabus or your exact responsibility. It may be extended or reduced respect to auditor’s chances to blame you. 

College: If you satisfied yourself means you achieved something. 
Office: If you satisfied yourself means, you did a great mistake. You must be prepared to answer for everyone.

College: You like to spend your time with your family in joy full events. 
Office: You like to spend your time with your family in peace. 

College: Your girl friend is proud about your costume. 
Office: Your girl friend is proud about your salary. 

College: Mum will scold you for taking less food [if you are days caller]. 
Office: You will scold the hotel waiter for poor taste. 

College: Friends will give joy. 
Office:   Friends will give joys which leads to problems. 

College: You have many choices to do (JOB). 
Office:    You have only one way to do. 


College: Is a heaven with satisfaction by spending large amount of money. 
Office: Is a hell with dissatisfaction by earning less money

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